I am proud to share the following channel from Celia Fenn. You will notice that it directly reflects the Meditation i posted a few days ago.
En-JOY and Be Blessed
The Great Shift of 2007
Awakening Human Angels to the Light and Joy of the Creative Process
The Energies for November 2007
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn Dearest Lightworkers, as you enter into the month of November of 2007, you will feel the powerful energies that are moving the Global Collective Consciousness to a new level. At this time, Jupiter and Pluto are situated right on the Galactic Center in relation to the Earth. In their "dance" with the Great Central Sun, they are showing how you, within your own being, are in the process of awakening to the Radiant Light that pours forth from the Celestial center and flows into the Planet like a sparkling great River of Life and Creativity, producing Abundance and Love.
In the month of October, you began the shift through what we have called the "Diamond Doorway", into the Light of a new dawn for your Planet. At the 11:11 Stargate for this year, on the 11th of November, this Diamond Radiance will intensify as you move towards the critical alignment in early December, when Jupiter and Pluto will be exactly conjunct the Great Central Sun. This is the Power and the Energy that will shift the Planetary Consciousness over this threshold of Diamond Light and towards the New Beginning of the 1:1:1 on the 1st of January of 2008.
This is indeed a turning point for your Beloved Earth. It is what you have worked for. There are many of you who have entered into the state of Light and Joy that is the "signature" of Higher Consciousness. You have chosen Light and to share your Light with Others. You are indeed the "Light of the World" at this time.
Dearest Lightworkers, we know how hard you have worked and struggled to release old energies and to heal old patterns of distortion in your lives. We know how much strength and courage and perseverance and determination it has taken to consistently make the choice for Unconditonal Love, Peace and Joy. But, enough of you have made that choice, and so, you are assisting in raising the frequency of the Planetary Collective, allowing more people on Earth to make that choice as well.
Dearest Lightworkers, as this powerful radiance pours into the Planet, you will feel the intensity. We ask you to feel it as Passion, Joy and Life itself, for that is what it is. It is the Creative Essence of the Divine Source pulsing from the Great Heart that is the Great Central Sun. It is creating a sympathetic resonance and heartbeat in your own heart. The more you allow the passion to flow, the more Joy and Lightness you will feel. If you resist alignment with the Cosmic heartbeat and hold onto old patterns, you will feel disoriented and exhausted and "out of synch" with yourself. It is so much easier to make the choice to allow yourself to align with the Pulse of Light and Love, and to be embraced in its warmth and nurturing. It is the Great Gift of the Source to your Planet at this time. You are becoming a People of the Heart and your Heart beats with the Heart of the Great Central Sun, and in resonance with the Cosmic pulse of the Great Source. There is great power in this alignment, and you are feeling how this power is changing and transforming the very essence of Who You Are.
And so we say, dearest ones, that the "secret" is to open your Hearts to Unconditional Love and Joy. Allow this energy to flow through you and be expressed through you, for this is the Divine Will and the Energy of Creation. It is Truth, and as we have said, all else is illusion. When you allow this Light to enter into your open Heart, then you become Light and you see Light. You see Love and Compassion and Support and Abundant Blessings all around you, and you become a source of such blessings to all around you.
But, know that you cannot hold this Light unless your Heart is fully Open and you yourself are openly receiving the abundant blessings of Source into your Life. And you cannot hold this Light unless you are feeling the Gratitude to the Source for your life, that says : "It is Good! Thank You." When you can see the Light in all Creation, then the Light within you will burn brightly, and you will indeed be a Human Angel.
Dearest Ones, you will need this Light and this Radiance, this Creative Power, as you begin the work of Planetary Transformation in the New Year. For indeed, we see that many of you will feel called to begin to make a difference within your own Communities - for that is where you are most needed.
We have spoken to you before of "Communities of Light", and indeed we will speak again of this idea. Many of you assumed that what was meant was only connecting with your Soul Family and those like you. And, initially that was true. Now, we say, it is time to create Communities of Light wherever you are. It is time to bring your Light to All People. It is time to make Choices that reveal the Light that You Are on this Earth.
For the Planet will be transformed by the work and by the choices of the Human Angels that you are, supported by the Indigo and Crystal Children. That is why you chose to leave your Star Families and to journey to this Planet called "Earth", so that you might assist in creating this "New Earth", the planet that would arise when all humans remembered their Divine Essence and their Creative Power, and ceased to fear darkness and destruction, or to create these things through that fear. For, where you focus energy, that is what you create.
Dearest ones, we cannot tell you what Joy there is in the Angelic realms as each one of You awakens to the Light and Power at the center of their Creative Heart, and the Love and Support that flows to You and that you can share with each other. We cannot tell you how we rejoice when we see groups of you opening your hearts to compassion and sharing your Light with others. We can only say that this is a powerful force for Positive Creation on the Planet. The more you come together to share joy and creativity, the more you will assist in creating this New Earth that is being born.
So, in this month of November, we ask that you hold that Light in your Heart center; that you be Strong and that you accept your own Power to be a Force of Positive Transformation on the Planet, for that is why you are here. We ask that you continue to forgive and to forgive again. Let go of those who offend you, for all are struggling with this intense new energy. Seek rather to hold people in the Love of your Heart and to be a resting place for them, but do not be afraid to speak your truth with love. For the courage to speak your truth and still hold the energy of Love is another "signature" of the Higher Frequencies of Unconditional Love. If you speak your truth, you remain clear and you do not accumulate anger. If you do so with Love, then you do not attract anger, only Love.
And dearest ones, we ask finally that you be fully "present" with each other, from the heart. Speak from the heart, speak what you feel in the Now. Look into the eyes of those that you talk with, feel their heart and soul energy. Feel others with your Heart rather than you Mind, and accept the Love that is always there in Abundance. be "present" in your own life - pay attention to the fine and rich details of every experience that you create, and you will feel the blessings of Divine Abundance. For, that is the purpose of material existence on this planet called "Earth".
The Energies in November 2007
The first significant date in November is the New Moon on the 9th of November. This New Moon is in Scorpio, a Water sign. Scorpio hold all the mystery of the water elements, the psychic power and the dreaminess. At this time, it is good to dream and plant seeds in your own inner garden. Dearest ones, what seeds will you plant? What are your dreams and desires for the New Earth?
Then, on the 11th of November, you will experience the annual 11:11 stargate, when the earth aligns with the Angelic frequency of the 11:11, which allows for increased Light and Radiance and increased Illumination to assist with the Great Awakening on the Planet. This is an ideal time, dearest ones, to do rituals and ceremonies that will direct the Light into positive purposes and directions in your Life.
Finally, on the 24th of November the Full Moon will be in Gemini, with the Sun in Sagittarius. As we have already mentioned, there is a powerful alignment in early December, and this Full Moon will assist in initiating the energy for this alignment. The Air and Fire combination of Gemini and Sagittarius creates a volatile yet powerful elemental energy. The energy of the Sacred Heart and the Twin Flame will be powerfully activated within you at this time. It is a Joyous time of Celebration on this New Earth.
We wish you Light and Laughter and Joy in the month of November.
© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
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