Sunday, December 30, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms VI: Brazilianite

The Deva's of Brazilianite communicate through meridians and minor chakras along the spine and help to open you up to a greater flow of energy through your systems. They are very helpful in any re-wiring of your energetic systems whether it be through Reiki or any other energy healing or tune-up process. Accupuncture also benefits from the energies of Brazilianite.

If anything, the Deva's of Brazilianite encourage you to surrender to ever increasing levels of light transmission in, through, around and from your body. Invite Brazilianite to hold open the pathways as you utilise other crystals in deepening the effect of your healing work.

Brazilianite invites you to explore and communicate with systems within your body that are rarely acknowledged consciously. In meditation, allow the Deva's to guide you in a safe journey of blessing and or releasing sytems sequestered away within you. Past life and current life past issues can be blessed and swept out to aid in creating greater presence of self. Whether done in colaboration with other stones or simply your own pure intent; working with Brazilianites Devas can help you in creating a more open and clear flowing state of being the moment (not just in the moment).

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

An Interview with 12listen.coms' Jamie B.

Jayson: As one Indigo to another; I have to ask you what your favorite aspect of living and being on Planet Earth is...?
Jamie B.: I have always loved nature. I love to spend a few hours in a forest until I lose touch with the "real" world. Nature is non-judgmental and in a perfect state of harmony. It's like meditating without the deep breathing or mind tricks. You just switch off, and yet by switching off -- the brain -- you become more in tune with your inner world, the mind, through the heart and one's deep heartfelt connection to the spirit of gaia. I love meditating with trees also. I find meditating with trees fascinatingly disturbing! The heat and energy I've felt coming from trees has actually surpassed what I've felt coming from clients during an hour long healing session! But of course that's because when you "hang out" with trees, you open up to spirit more. You switch off the monkey brain -- the internal chatter -- and become non-judgmental like a tree. A tree just is. And a tree does not think about growing. It just grows. This, too, can be our true nature.

Jayson: What talents do you find that you utilise most often?
Jamie B.: I've always "channeled" without realising (the concept of going into another state and bringing through information from spirit). I've had difficulty with formal channeling though. I used to think I disagreed with it on a moral basis, but as another indigo and channeler told me, "It's not so much you disagree with channeling, so much as the concept of channeling." Which is so true. Because I have been channeling all the time. But to label it "channeling" would be to mark it out as a "special" state of consciousness. For me, though, it isn't. To not be channeling is special! haha! I do not believe, for example, that one has to pass out or fall asleep and wake back up without memory after channeling higher information. This is what I would call "sleep channelers." There is also awake channeling or conscious channeling, and I've done that for so long I hardly noticed. So often I say or know things which to me are "obvious" or even seem "too simplistic," but to another it is seen as "wise" or "inspired" or "psychic" or indeed "channeled". But to me it is just just is. And it's all relative.

Jayson: Are there any particular Guides, Angels or Ascended Masters that you feel drawn to work with most? If so, what are their trademark energies?
Jamie B.: I've had a connection with angels for quite some time. St. Micheal mainly, whom has appeared to me twice in "physical" form. Once as a being of gold light whom I saw through the mirror whilst in the bath many years back! He brought a sense of total calm and surety that "everything will turn out fine." And secondly, very recently when my cat Kane passed over. I saw a golden wing where he was, just before my friend Sara finished her story, "And that place I used to visit as a child, you won't believe it, they've renamed it St. Micheal's and it's no.13". I know that this means St. Micheal took Kane back to God (i.e. no 13). I also had a white feather fall out of the sky just after I thought of calling the angels to help Kane over, just after I was told by the vet he had been put to sleep. This was my first angel feather. So gold is his trademark for me. But when I call angels I see and feel them very often with my eyes closed --rather than open, as I did with St. Micheal on two occasions--they all have different energies. Very recently, I have had the experience of the angels looking through my eyes and channeling healing songs from them. I wish I was in the USA so I could do that ATP training with Doreen Virtue! hehe

Jayson: If you have recieved one reocurring message in working with children, what would it be?
Jamie B.: That it's not today's children with the issues, it's the parents, society, and the current paradigm, that is the challenge. Children are very intuitive and sensitive, and act as mirrors to what is going on outside of themselves. Notice I did not say they learn from what is around them, but instead they reflect back their parent's and societie's troubles. This may make me unpopular, but being an indigo that's what I'm here for, when I say that I've never met a "problem child" who didn't have "problem parents"! In trying to assist problem kids in the past, the biggest barrier to a successful outcome I have noticed is the parents ability to admit that their problems create problems in their children. It's not about blame or guilt, it's about total transparency and correction. It's certainly not about blaming parents rather than kids. After all, the main aspect of a parent which causes disruption in their children, is their own damaged inner child carrying issues from their parents. Thus, in that sense, we are all "childy essences," in the same boat together moving along our healing path. For me as a spiritual aware being--even more so, as an indigo--the only difference between an adult and child is the age of the physical body. The soul has its own age irrespective of the vessel.

Jayson: Have you worked with or encountered any Crystal Children and if so, what has your experience been?
Jamie B.: Only one so far. I have met dozens of indigo children and continue to meet them, of varying ages, either friends, family, or children of parents that I have worked with spiritually who often ask for advice regarding their children because I specialise as an "indigo consultant." My theory on the crystal children was that it was just another name for a more evolved human. I thought it was becoming a bit of a joke to add more labels to the phenomenon. Until, that is, I actually met a crystal child. I was with my mother and we bumped into an old friend of hers. Her first child was hyper, wild and I previously thought could be indigo. But here was her second, about 2 years old. A little blonde girl, delicate face, blue eyes, and pale skin, like a porcelain doll. She had a calmness and serenity I had never seen in a child before, not even in the most psychic of indigo children I've come across. Although she was certainly very psychic like an indigo. When she looked at me I could instantly feel her reading my thoughts, a strange experience I have become used to over the years! She constantly smiled and appeared shy. She was apparently very quiet and didn't speak, which is a feature of crystals in comparison with indigos who speak early or are very chatty! Some time before my mother's friend -- her mother -- said my mother could babysit for her one day, I noticed her change her expression and become quite alarmed as if she knew. Indeed, I was sure she knew, because as I watched, I could see that she was reacting to everything that was being said, as if she were pre-emptively eavesdropping on the conversation. I have never, ever, seen this phenomenon so acutely with a child before. But above all, the most memorable element of this experience was how serene and angellic she appeared. That was last year. I've met more indigos but not crystals since that day.

Jayson: As a recent inductee into the 12listen family, what has your impression been in working with this community so far?
Jamie B.: I really wouldn't be saying this just because I work with you lot, but because I honestly mean it. 12listen is composed of the most amazing bunch of spiritual advisors I've ever known. They're all so talented and clearly very serious about what they do. I'd have no hesitation in recommending the advisors at 12listen to anyone I know!

Jayson: If you had one message to give to people reading this, what would it be?
Jamie B.: We've only got 5 more years till 2012! Clearly we're all waking up on planet earth, it's happening as forecasted, but there are some challenging times ahead. Go vertical rather than horizontal. Consult your inner and higher selve's, rather than rely on outer sources of information. It's time to become awake within the dream we call reality, put wrongs to right, and create heaven on earth.

Get a reading with Jamie B.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

OH MY STARS! © Your Scopes for December

Exploration into new financial opportunities can benefit from your expertise. What you intend should manifest rapidly this month. Try to keep things fresh so you can avoid making decisions you’ll regret. ...see you full forcast here

Too much daydreaming about an idea you have could lead you to fall out of love with the idea. Give it some more time and more focus. Bring others in to help and watch your project take flight. Maintain control and be sure to celebrate and share your success. ...see you full forcast here

My, what a driven little fishy you are. Meditations this month should bring you some grand visions and a seed may be planted in your brain. Get things down on paper, whatever you do. ...see you full forcast here

For many Aries, it appears this season touches on your charitable nature. For some, this time bodes well donating time or resources to homeless shelters, runaway services and even scholarships for the underprivileged. On the flip side: Avoid projecting assumptions. ...see you full forcast here

The world is your oyster and you have it in your power to pull the fortune out of misfortune. This is an good time to look into turning over your investments. Watch for emotional tensions and major changes in the family sector, but know it is for the best. ...see you full forcast here

Take a moment to put aside all that has transpired and you could find that the New Year is already beginning in your own life. There, in your heart, is both the seed and the ideal manifestation of what has begun, as well as the strength to achieve your goals. ...see you full forcast here

You are going to get the cooperation you need to meet your objectives if you have to shake down mountains to do it. A plan, formulating in your mind, requires some quick yet crucial decisions. Don’t let the details overwhelm you; just act from the heart.
...see you full forcast here

A new cycle begins for you this month and you have big ideas to realize that can raise your standing and your level of respect in your community. As you move forward, you may be revisited by people from your past and issues that need to be cleared up. ...see you full forcast here

Your mastery of your craft and ability to manifest results may pull you out of your humble background service as you are called to lead and play a part in the bigger picture. ...see you full forcast here

Dear Libra, it seems that you have not been immune to the heavy cosmic drag that the universe has graced us all with. However, your ability to focus on getting results, paired with tenacity and perseverance will enable you to accomplish what few others are capable of. ...see you full forcast here

You have thought about it long enough. You have weighed everything in your heart and rationalized everything in your head. And though you may not be happy about it, the time for change is now. ...see you full forcast here

What began between late October and early November allowed you to move in new directions with greater vision for your future. The process continues and now you need to observe, with greater scrutiny, the power of your decisions and how you communicate. ...see you full forcast here

Sunday, November 25, 2007

So Love It

Toward the end of my meditations this morning, an energy form appeared (a bug that is going around) and i found myself saying, "I don't need this right now." To which i heard, "if you didn't need it, it wouldnt be here. so love it." So, i did.
And here i am to share this. And i could write more, but the message is plain and simple, as is the exercise.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gratitude & Crystalline Life Forms VI: Fulgurite

GRATITUDE, It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore.
Gratitude is a powerful energy. Simply take a moment and reflect on something that you are grateful for. As you reflect on what you are grateful for, acknowledge the connection that is formed and the energy in that connection. Acknowledge how the energy, the being of that person, place or thing, adds to you, supports you and/or Enriches your life. Acknowledge, now, the Acceptance that allowed for the opening in your life experience to Recieve that person, place or thing into your life. to acknowledge the roots of Gratitude is to embrace the sheer Magical Quality of how we Create our Lives. And in doing so, our sense of Gratitude Grows.

Acknowledge what you are Grateful for, Every day. Count your Blessings. Start with just one thing. Explore it fully. Acknowledge at least three to five things that you are Grateful for every morning and/or evening and in time your sense of the Energy behind all of the connections in your life will grow. The more you experience and Open to the Power of Gratitude, the more that Gratitude Expands in your life, opening you more fully and naturally to the Enrichment and Abundance that is your birthright and Allowing yourself to move past lack or need.
Gratitude opens wide the doorway to recieving exactly what is necessary at exactly the right time, all of the time.


Fulgurites are tubes of natural glass that are formed by lightning running through and fusing sand, rock or earth.
As such, Fulgurites carry different vibrations depending on the elements that have been fused, but they all carry the charge and memory of the lightning strike.
It's easy to see how the power of this fusion of heaven and earth make for a powerful tool.

The tubular occurance of Fulgurites and the fact that they are a product of heaven and earth have linked this creation to the Indigenous Peace Pipe.
Meditation with Fulgurite can Enrich the experience of Prayer and connection to the Divine.

Fulgurites, by nature of their Fusion, are also an Ideal tool when seeking to Create Spiritual Communities and Unity.

I invite you to seek out and use Fulgurite to enhance your Gratitude Exercises.

May every day be a day of Giving Thanks and Celebration of our lifes Abundance.



Friday, November 16, 2007

The Arthurian Factor ©

"You and the land are one. Drink and be filled." - Parsival offering the Grail to King Arthur.

The healing of the land and the healing of the self, the healing of Gaia and the healing of our self and the healing of others and the healing of our self. Staggeringly beautiful when you think about it. To drink from the grail is to accept the truth of our oneness with everything. Everything and Everyone prospers when we fully acknowledge and surrender to the truth of our connection to all life.

The grail, the cup, the beggars bowl, the many petaled lotus as the crown. For centuries these things have been goals and aspirations. Yes, even the begging bowl, acquired and waiting to be filled.

As we ascend into the higher dimensions, i would like to posit the transitioning of the crown to the base of the spine. Our aspirations, our prayers and the focus of light lifting upward.
Coursing Light through our bodies and simultaneously the body of the Earth as she embraces us...All of us.. Healing... Healed.. Whole... Radiant.. Scintillating.. Ascending. A Unified Celestial Being of Great Heart and Great Wisdom with many points of Love Consciousness Radiating from the Infinite into the Infinite. Drink and Be Filled. Grail and Crown and Heart are One with Conscious Will. The Grail Drinks Itself.
Dance between what is and what will be.
Be Still and Know That I AM The Light of the World Ever Unfolding.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms V: Phenacite

Photo courtesy of

Phenacite is a truly amazing crystal. Even grains the size of sand produce expansion of the aura into the multiverse. It is no surprise then, that Phenacite facilitates connection with extra terrestrial entities as well as other non physical multidimensional beings.

There is an aspect to Phenacite that allows for comprehension and exploration of otherworld technology and knowledge presented during telepathic communication with other multidimensional beings.

The Phenacite Deva's are gatekeepers whose seeds of light play a great part in the anchoring of Earth into the higher dimensions as she ascends. Invite the Deva's of Phenacite into your meditations when you wish to step out of the familiar and glimpse the vastness to come in our own ascension.
Pleasant Journeys.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Scorpio New Moon Meditation ©

This just in from..well Me

Given that this is a Scorpio New Moon, doing this meditation in a hot tub or bath puts you in Scorpio's element of Water. Just an option.

Sit comfortably
Close your eyes and allow yourself to sink deep into darkness
Know that you are the observer, sinking into the deepest darkeness where all of your old beliefs that have been bound and locked to all of the excuses for pain, guilt, shame, and all other negative constructs accquired through this life and others have been stored.

You are in the depths of the dark of your soul.
You hear a whooshing sound and know that an invisible scraper has begun to scrape away all of your negative darkness.

As these pieces are scraped away, they collect in a ball out in front of you.
Know that All of your negative darkness has collected into this large black ball.

Take a deep breath
A beam of purest white light shoots down and engulfs the ball in a pearlescent white plasma fire that begins to burn away the outer edge of the dark ball
Purse your lips, and as you exhale, blow into the pearlescent white flames to intensify the fire.
Notice the sparks and embers that fly off.
Know that these transmuted pieces will return to you as blessings or anything that you have ever wanted or needed.

Take another deep breath and repeat the process
Notice the sparks and embers that fly off.
Know that these transmuted pieces will return to you as blessings or anything that you have ever wanted or needed.

The pearlescent white light is doing a nice job, but when you are ready, blow into the flames and change the color
Work your way through the spectrum

As the ball burns away, some pieces may fall
Know that are caught in the swirling vortex of light at the base and transmuted.

This process can take as long as you feel it needs to.

Once you have transmuted the entire mass
Move up into the light and to the tip of your tailbone
Take a deep breath
That same pearlescent white light begins to burn
Blow into it and watch as it begins to rise
You notice that as the flames rise
Under the pearlescent white light swathing your spine
Your spine has turned brilliant gold
Yet still swathed in pearl
Up and up we go
At the base of your skull
Lotus petals begin to unfold
As the light rises
More and more petals unfold
Golden light floods the bowl of your lotus
A fountain of aquamarine showers around you
Precipitating blessings
And cleansing your aura of any impurities

Be still
And know that you are Divine
Repeat: I AM That I AM

My Love to You

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Energies for November 2007

I am proud to share the following channel from Celia Fenn. You will notice that it directly reflects the Meditation i posted a few days ago.
En-JOY and Be Blessed

The Great Shift of 2007
Awakening Human Angels to the Light and Joy of the Creative Process
The Energies for November 2007
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dearest Lightworkers, as you enter into the month of November of 2007, you will feel the powerful energies that are moving the Global Collective Consciousness to a new level. At this time, Jupiter and Pluto are situated right on the Galactic Center in relation to the Earth. In their "dance" with the Great Central Sun, they are showing how you, within your own being, are in the process of awakening to the Radiant Light that pours forth from the Celestial center and flows into the Planet like a sparkling great River of Life and Creativity, producing Abundance and Love.

In the month of October, you began the shift through what we have called the "Diamond Doorway", into the Light of a new dawn for your Planet. At the 11:11 Stargate for this year, on the 11th of November, this Diamond Radiance will intensify as you move towards the critical alignment in early December, when Jupiter and Pluto will be exactly conjunct the Great Central Sun. This is the Power and the Energy that will shift the Planetary Consciousness over this threshold of Diamond Light and towards the New Beginning of the 1:1:1 on the 1st of January of 2008.

This is indeed a turning point for your Beloved Earth. It is what you have worked for. There are many of you who have entered into the state of Light and Joy that is the "signature" of Higher Consciousness. You have chosen Light and to share your Light with Others. You are indeed the "Light of the World" at this time.

Dearest Lightworkers, we know how hard you have worked and struggled to release old energies and to heal old patterns of distortion in your lives. We know how much strength and courage and perseverance and determination it has taken to consistently make the choice for Unconditonal Love, Peace and Joy. But, enough of you have made that choice, and so, you are assisting in raising the frequency of the Planetary Collective, allowing more people on Earth to make that choice as well.

Dearest Lightworkers, as this powerful radiance pours into the Planet, you will feel the intensity. We ask you to feel it as Passion, Joy and Life itself, for that is what it is. It is the Creative Essence of the Divine Source pulsing from the Great Heart that is the Great Central Sun. It is creating a sympathetic resonance and heartbeat in your own heart. The more you allow the passion to flow, the more Joy and Lightness you will feel. If you resist alignment with the Cosmic heartbeat and hold onto old patterns, you will feel disoriented and exhausted and "out of synch" with yourself. It is so much easier to make the choice to allow yourself to align with the Pulse of Light and Love, and to be embraced in its warmth and nurturing. It is the Great Gift of the Source to your Planet at this time. You are becoming a People of the Heart and your Heart beats with the Heart of the Great Central Sun, and in resonance with the Cosmic pulse of the Great Source. There is great power in this alignment, and you are feeling how this power is changing and transforming the very essence of Who You Are.

And so we say, dearest ones, that the "secret" is to open your Hearts to Unconditional Love and Joy. Allow this energy to flow through you and be expressed through you, for this is the Divine Will and the Energy of Creation. It is Truth, and as we have said, all else is illusion. When you allow this Light to enter into your open Heart, then you become Light and you see Light. You see Love and Compassion and Support and Abundant Blessings all around you, and you become a source of such blessings to all around you.

But, know that you cannot hold this Light unless your Heart is fully Open and you yourself are openly receiving the abundant blessings of Source into your Life. And you cannot hold this Light unless you are feeling the Gratitude to the Source for your life, that says : "It is Good! Thank You." When you can see the Light in all Creation, then the Light within you will burn brightly, and you will indeed be a Human Angel.

Dearest Ones, you will need this Light and this Radiance, this Creative Power, as you begin the work of Planetary Transformation in the New Year. For indeed, we see that many of you will feel called to begin to make a difference within your own Communities - for that is where you are most needed.

We have spoken to you before of "Communities of Light", and indeed we will speak again of this idea. Many of you assumed that what was meant was only connecting with your Soul Family and those like you. And, initially that was true. Now, we say, it is time to create Communities of Light wherever you are. It is time to bring your Light to All People. It is time to make Choices that reveal the Light that You Are on this Earth.

For the Planet will be transformed by the work and by the choices of the Human Angels that you are, supported by the Indigo and Crystal Children. That is why you chose to leave your Star Families and to journey to this Planet called "Earth", so that you might assist in creating this "New Earth", the planet that would arise when all humans remembered their Divine Essence and their Creative Power, and ceased to fear darkness and destruction, or to create these things through that fear. For, where you focus energy, that is what you create.

Dearest ones, we cannot tell you what Joy there is in the Angelic realms as each one of You awakens to the Light and Power at the center of their Creative Heart, and the Love and Support that flows to You and that you can share with each other. We cannot tell you how we rejoice when we see groups of you opening your hearts to compassion and sharing your Light with others. We can only say that this is a powerful force for Positive Creation on the Planet. The more you come together to share joy and creativity, the more you will assist in creating this New Earth that is being born.

So, in this month of November, we ask that you hold that Light in your Heart center; that you be Strong and that you accept your own Power to be a Force of Positive Transformation on the Planet, for that is why you are here. We ask that you continue to forgive and to forgive again. Let go of those who offend you, for all are struggling with this intense new energy. Seek rather to hold people in the Love of your Heart and to be a resting place for them, but do not be afraid to speak your truth with love. For the courage to speak your truth and still hold the energy of Love is another "signature" of the Higher Frequencies of Unconditional Love. If you speak your truth, you remain clear and you do not accumulate anger. If you do so with Love, then you do not attract anger, only Love.

And dearest ones, we ask finally that you be fully "present" with each other, from the heart. Speak from the heart, speak what you feel in the Now. Look into the eyes of those that you talk with, feel their heart and soul energy. Feel others with your Heart rather than you Mind, and accept the Love that is always there in Abundance. be "present" in your own life - pay attention to the fine and rich details of every experience that you create, and you will feel the blessings of Divine Abundance. For, that is the purpose of material existence on this planet called "Earth".

The Energies in November 2007
The first significant date in November is the New Moon on the 9th of November. This New Moon is in Scorpio, a Water sign. Scorpio hold all the mystery of the water elements, the psychic power and the dreaminess. At this time, it is good to dream and plant seeds in your own inner garden. Dearest ones, what seeds will you plant? What are your dreams and desires for the New Earth?
Then, on the 11th of November, you will experience the annual 11:11 stargate, when the earth aligns with the Angelic frequency of the 11:11, which allows for increased Light and Radiance and increased Illumination to assist with the Great Awakening on the Planet. This is an ideal time, dearest ones, to do rituals and ceremonies that will direct the Light into positive purposes and directions in your Life.

Finally, on the 24th of November the Full Moon will be in Gemini, with the Sun in Sagittarius. As we have already mentioned, there is a powerful alignment in early December, and this Full Moon will assist in initiating the energy for this alignment. The Air and Fire combination of Gemini and Sagittarius creates a volatile yet powerful elemental energy. The energy of the Sacred Heart and the Twin Flame will be powerfully activated within you at this time. It is a Joyous time of Celebration on this New Earth.

We wish you Light and Laughter and Joy in the month of November.

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author

Monday, November 5, 2007

OH MY STARS! © Your Scopes for November

After some delay, I present you with this months column. In December and from then on, each sign will have a link to an extended version of your forecast.

My, what a happy personal new year for you! With Jupiter, your ruling planet, showering blessings upon you it seems you can do no wrong aside from partying too hard (yes, I know that “partying too hard” isn’t in your vocabulary). We still see that caring Sag’ energy this month as it turns to finesse changes that give birth to new projects. This is of course if you can refrain from pitching a hissy fit if you run into any obstacles that you create. Take advantage of quiet moments to make decisions about long term plans and allocating resources to take advantage of potential opportunities.
Knowing when it’s time to walk away from what isn’t working is a smart move. Many of you will be looking at transitioning into something new. While that may go easily; watch your attitude as it could throw up roadblocks. If that happens, your impulse could shift into overdrive. And there’s nothing more charming than belligerence. You may have been a master where you were and you may even be the master where you are, but a little temperance goes a long ways. So put on those velvet gloves, because there is no going back.
Good morning, class. This month we are going to be learning how to be a better multi-tasker. You’re already a great networker, but to manifest exactly what you want when you want it, you’ll be learning to tune out distractions in the form of second guessing yourself. Your first step will be to be at ease about your future and acknowledge that what you intend is already accomplished. Your second step will be much like a game of Asteroids; obliterate any obstacles that you had previously written into your game plan. Please journal your progress.
Go boldly in the direction of your dreams. The trip may be a little arduous, but it should prove fruitful. Allow for meditation in balance with action. Mastery of mental disciplines serve you well this month.
Your efforts and attention to detail have brought you results and though you may expect more of the same levels of effort, it’s time to take off the shackles and allow for greater ease and swiftness in your journey. Growth does not have to be difficult or painful. Surrender.
Even in the cold grey of November, there is likely to be an aura of positive light around you that others may be drawn to. Many of you will be embracing information that helps you to better accomplish both old and new monumental tasks. Assistance will come and go as needed; much like a fairy godmother. Methodical genius can guide your steps as you open to it. And changes this month involving an actual residence change, sow seeds for stable rooting by August.
The lunar activities of the past months may appear to have slowed you down a bit; but this month you’re likely to feel as if you’re back on top and very accomplished. So much so that you’ll feel open to beginning a new project. You may even be inclined to coerce a few people into helping you out. Stay focused and put those ideas down on paper. A little whimsy toward month’s end adds inspiration, drive and for the single Taurus; the potential for a new relationship.
It looks at though the recent responsibilities you have taken on are really starting to show and that the pressure is forcing the genius in you to keep everything on an even keel. You may even be doing some scrimping to make everything balance out. Give yourself the space to process the lessons of the recent past and make room for offers that are likely to increase productivity. To grow or to struggle; that is the question and the choice put before you this month.
Wow! This month sees you learning how to act instinctually to get the results befitting a true mover and shaker. Your willingness to take on the big burdens and convert them into growth and power are also providing you with the power to manifest your visions with stunning acuity. It is definitely worth celebrating. However , when it comes to people, it is time for you to take a step back lest you crush some toes by assuming too quickly. Even a master teacher can have their faults. The universe offers you some long awaited surprises.
This month starts out with a little trepidation about making decisions. Take a breath and you will know exactly what to do to initiate the changes you seek to make. Be still and know that you know. There are several indicators that the Universe is providing you the space to make necessary changes and to allow new friendships to form in your life. Your ability to practically apply what you are learning since Spring continues it’s beautifully organic process. Watch for a spontaneous and dramatic manifestation toward months end.
Dreams carry powerful messages for you this month as they clear out old business and things lurking in the shadows. For some, the past comes back to haunt you through the people in your life, let the healing continue and this process could clear a lot of ground long overdue for both inner and outer re-landscaping. With that done, you will be offered the opportunity to work with the light in more ways than before. Your potential for greater productivity and spiritual growth continues well beyond the end of the month.
Your ‘Can do’ attitude seeks a new outlet this month and none of your ‘friends’ can stop you as you leave the petty doubts of others in the dust. Make sure to re-examine your own doubt’s to make sure that they are in fact yours and then slam dunk them into oblivion as they have no place in your future plans. This month could turn out to be like a dance competition with the old ‘one step forward—two steps back’. Break out with some fancy footwork that lets them know that you are an original. Advanced education can serve you well.
No more hiding in the sidelines for you. You are being called back into service in a big way and many of you are bound to find yourself thrust into positions as teachers and guides. It’s just that time and no matter how unworthy you may be feeling, the Universe offers you this piece of advice: Get Over It. Better yet, it is time to act as if ‘It’ isn't there. ‘It’ is an illusion. Expect a burst of creativity to launch you somewhere over the rainbow by mid-November when the Moon lands in Aquarius. Have no regrets about what you leave behind.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms IV: Danburite

Photo Courtesy of

Danburite is a Love Light Crystal.
Its long, striated, pink hued shape is typically capped by a spatulate head.
The Deva's of Danburite enfold you in an exquisite soft pink light that takes on an effervescent quality as it permeates your being where it reaches that divine inner child and tickles you until you release an even purer joyous pink white light that blazes throughout your being. Danburite holds and evokes that pure joyous lovelight that is at the center of all things. The Divine MotherFather Heart, the overflowing cup, are the gifts of Danburite as it invites you to aknowledge that ever present beautiful aspect of your own self.
Use Danburite when you have need to forgive yourself, when you feel distanced from the Source or when you just need that gentle reminder that you carry a powerful lovelight within you always.
If you are ever in a space where you are holding on to sorrow or self pity and blocking yourself from recieving the energies of Danburite or Joy, simply visualise a light growing from within and listen for that angelic harplike music as it crescendoes and the light rises to sweep through you. Know the Deva's of Danburite are there to help you live from the brightes part of your being.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Anchoring Light Meditation © - Time Sensitive

This just downloaded from Source:

Be Still
Breathe in White Light through the center of your heart
Visualise it Filling your Spine with Scintillating Energy and then Spreading Throughout your Entire Skeletal Structure.
Once your skeleton is Filled with Light, breathe out and visualise the Light Intensifying Radiant White Light Deeper as well as out Into your Organs, Muscles and Skin.
Breathe In and Feel and Visualise the Light Permeating Your marrow and infusing your Cells and DNA with Pure Love Light.
Allow your Self to Vibrate with Pure Crystaline Rainbow White Love Light. Breathe Out.
Breathe In and Feel the vibration Intensify
Suddenly, an Intense beam of Light fires out the top of your skull and anchors into the Galactic Central Sun.
Breathe Out and Allow the Light to pulse back and forth from your own body to the Galactic Core with each breath.
When you are ready, Hold, Breathe In and state an intent for yourself.
Allow that to Radiate inside and out. Breathe Out.
Allow yourself to stay anchored to the Great Central Sun. Breathe In.
Radiate out into the world all of the Love Light you possess, Knowing you have a Limitless Supply. Breathe Freely.
Be still and know that You are a Living Blessing.

***Rinse and repeat daily as the incoming light transmission will be be more potent between Now and November 23. Evenings are best until the 10th. 11-Noon on the 11th (11:11) and mornings thereafter.***


An Interview with 12listen.coms' Lacey Dawn

Lacey has been on the "Know Thyself" path for over 25 years. Her experience is through many years of not following her guidance even though she heard it loud and clear. She believes that everyone is intuitive and that sometimes people need validation from sources outside of them. She is here to help. When Lacey does readings she will pick up information in many different forms. She starts getting information right away but for the sake of time she will take questions and focus her intuition there.

Lacey has always had a "knowing" about people and their situations as long as she remembers. She remembers feeling at one with nature at a very young age. She has studied extensively with many different teachers enabling her to understand her intuitive nature. Her mission is to help people find the joy in their lives. She wants to teach people how they can better understand who they are and what they are here to do. She is compassionate and caring and wants to help as many people as possible find their passions.

It is my pleasure to present my interview with Lacey Dawn, one of the many incredible advisors at 12listen:

Who, if anyone has influenced you most in your work? Who has inspired you? and Which famous person would you most like to do a reading on?

It seems that I have always had a fascination about past lives. I am not sure where I learned about them. It seems that I just knew about them. It was probably a book that I was reading at the time.
Back in the early 90s I decided to attend a Hypnotherapy School to learn to become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. The primary focus of learning was working with clients in a clinical setting for pain management, natural anastesia for surgery, and of course working with people who wanted to lose weight or stop smoking. Although I had no interest in learning about the clinical part, I was very interested in Past Life regression and at the time there were no schools for that. Even though this was not what the class was about, I decided to take it anyway. I had to be reminded several times during class that this class was not about past life regression. I still persisted in knowing more. In a weird way, I credit my teacher of Hypnotherapy, Lucy Johnson, for being my influence. She would almost scold me for disrupting the class because every question I would have would pertain to past life stuff whereas she was focused on the clinical aspect. Since I was used to being a rebel anyway this didn't bother me, it made me more determined to baulk at the system. When we would have to go to the rooms to practice, I would practice my past life regression scripts. Most of the time the partner I was given would agree. However, It seemed word would always get back to Lucy that I wasn't practicing what I was supposed to be doing.

As far as doing a past life regression on someone famous, I would think the Pope would be quite fun. Seriously though, the Dali Lama would be interesting. I wonder; where has he lived?

What is your favorite aspect of your work?

Never knowing where we will end up. Every client is so different. Some clients are immediately taken back into a life and it can get pretty dramatic. Other clients will be calmer and be more of an observer of their lives instead of reliving it. Some are much harder to get to a past life, others are very easy. It's the element of surprise I like.

Where have your favorite lives been?

Atlantis is a favorite. I was working with this huge pointed crystal, one that I couldn't pick up today because it would be too heavy. I was pointing it up at the sky like I was activating it. It's the feeling of wholeness, serenity, Love that I remember. This seemed to be my job to activate these huge crystals for healing. Another is a past life in Egypt as a priestess who would counsel others. I remember the rituals to ready ourselves were very long, in depth and rigorous. . My chamber was underneath the ground down a long passage. It seemed that I was pretty much a sacred prostitute to men seeking counsel.

When did you first experience your own past life regression?

There was a man named Seth in my hypnotherapy class that would take me back. He took me back a couple of times.

Why do most of your clients want to visit their past lives? (What do you see as the most common reason for a consultation?)

Most of all, People are Curious. They are usually exploring their inner self and have heard that going into a past life will take care of a cycle they want to change within their life. Such as the cycle of abuse or weight gain for example. A lot of times going into one's past lives with the intention on healing a certain malady, the person begins to understand where a habit or cycle has come from. I have seen instances where a person will find out about an episode in a past life that gives them an understanding of why they do things in this life. With that understanding, the person has an easier time making the positive changes that are necessary to live more fully in this life.

How many lifetimes have you recalled this time around?

I have encountered 6 different lives. I have been taken back several times into the same lives to do certain work. I know that I have a few more that have yet to be revealed to me. I would like to explore this realm more when I find someone to guide me back. I plan on taking Brian Wiess' 5 day workshop on learning past life techniques. There we would be able to take each other back.

Do you think that some people court their soulmates over a series of lifetimes, not always incarnating together?

Yes! Truly! I believe that this is the case! Have you ever met someone for a brief moment that has almost taken your breath away? There is something about that person that resonates very deeply within you? Then you never see that person again. In that case you have incarnated together but not being together. Or when a person goes through life feeling a slight emptiness within their fullness of life just knowing that their soulmate is somewhere else not in the physical world at this time. It's a feeling people have.

Jayson: Thank You for taking thetime to honor me with this interview. You can reach Lacey at

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms III: Prehnite

Photo courtesy of

I was going to profile black Tourmaline for this Halloween weekend, but then Prehnite called out.
This opaque pale green crystal has a gentle energy that evokes the sensation of slipping into an otherworldly mist that is both beautiful and comfortable. Meditating with Prehnite, you can enter a safe space between veiled worlds to communicate with disembodied spirits, guides and even spirits of nature.

If you are not completely comfortable with spirit communication, but want to explore, i do recommend hold ing or wearing a piece of Black Tourmaline while you use this crystal. also, Clear Quartz Point will help in calling in specific spirits or guides while working with Prehnite. Think of Prehnite as you doorway into the waiting room/waypoint between worlds.

Prehnite tends to enhance clairaudience and telepathy within the spirit realm.

Make the most of you All Hallows experience and try Prehnite today.
Semi-Facetious/Humorous disclaimer:
Prehnite is not recommended for people with multiple personality disorders, bi polar disorder or people suffering from accute megalomania. In some cases, people abusing Prehnite can experience karmic scarring, hauntings and other spiritual mischief.
Ask your metaphysician if Prehnite is right for you.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Inspiration hit me and i had to create

Creating graphics is one of my hobbies.. and i just couldnt resist the urge to create for this wing of 12listen. click for the full sized pic. enjoy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms II: Azurite

Photo courtesy of

Azurite is among my most favorite stones and one which i utilise frequently.
It is one of the best energy unblockers/pain relievers i have ever worked with.
Aside from it's copper based conductivity it is also an excellent third eye stone.
To hold and meditate with azurite is to step into an expansive gateway of possibilities where you can explore options that may have been closed to you before. This is made possible by the fact that azurite, although seen as a stone, is a collective of individual crystals. The deva's of azurite are more than happy to assist you in exploring your individual options. Tap into the conductive flow and open doors; doors you never even dreamed existed.

The occurrence of malachite with azurite only enhances this stones ability to reinforce the power of your will on your selected path
Where do you want to go today?

Crystalline Life Forms: Elestials

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

OH MY STARS! © Your Scopes for October

Time for a mental health break, Libra darling. Sagittarian efforts such as you have been trying to pull off, demand some time to relax in some small portion. Accept invitations to chill out. You’ll feel better in the long run and have energy to launch into new projects.
Time for change and decisions that involve ‘Big Picture’ thinking. As you move away from what no longer works, open up to forming new friendships and relationships. You may find a rare catch coming your way, so be on your toes.
This month, we see the caring visionary Sag’. Just watch that your visions don’t lead you astray. Be sure that what you think you know is true or trouble could ensue and leave you seeking new friends.
“Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow.” A vision planted in your brain can be easily real-ised with a little communication and your devotion to carrying more than your share of the burden. It is done.
Decisions regarding Family figure prominently this month. For some it will be an issue of severing ties. For others yet it will be about strengthening ties. Overhaul and fine-tune your environment.
It’s amazing what you’re willing to sacrifice in order to get what you want. Even if it does mean kicking and screaming through the whole process. Since this is a learning experience; know that you will be graded on your performance. Keep your expectations realistic.
Some fresh new insights could have the effect of turning a once daunting project into a rather effortless and lucrative venture. Get things down on paper to make progress even easier. Keep it simple and don’t create drama unless that is your intent.
Time to stop daydreaming and start putting those ideas down on paper. Despite misgivings, you may find some real gems that have more value now than they did when you shoved them to the back burner. Later this month is a good time to move some of those investments.
Maintaining that little ray of sunshine amidst what appears to be a trying time does you credit. Domestic bliss may be disturbed by outsiders, but any fears are unfounded. Surviving this month could be the equivalent to obtaining a Masters in Interpersonal Relationships.
The Powers that Be are supporting that nurturing element of yours in the area that involves lasting changes and long term vision. Those that don’t fit that vision are freed and new recruits called in as you continue to masterfully build from the ground up.
Time to stop re-enacting your role in the Wizard of Oz and step up to the plate. If what you’re doin’ ain’t workin’, it’s time to pull your badge out of the mothballs and start makin’ it work. Courage and Brains make for a winning combination.
This month offers you the opportunity to take a leap of faith and do something unconventional. Shift Happens. The old passes away and the new takes its place with even more to gain.

All Text © Jayson Ayrn Starfeather 2007

The best way out is always through.
—Robert Frost

Click This Text to go to

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Synchronicity Week

It started with knocking my headset off by walking into a partially lowered overhead (garage) door and picking up the pieces and testing it only to find a call coming in from a client at the exact same time that all happened and almost losing the call but not.

Last night i logged off the service at about 6:10 only to have a call coming in at the exact same time. Lost it.

Tonight, i thought i had logged off but hadn't and was surprised when a call came in. Fortunately, i was available as this was one of those High Priority readings. Having the reading already laid out helped whomp it out of the park without any questions. One of those readings where you are really glad that you were there for the caller to help smack the obstacles out of the way at a crucial moment. Sweet!

Anyway.. Odd but empowering week and Loving it!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Non-Judgement & Acceptance

A powerful lesson i have learned in this life comes from simply stepping past judgement and into allowing. When YOU give the so called wierdo's an open space, free of judgement, you can witness an unfolding.. a lifting of veils.. that allows you to see the truth of a persons being. It's not unlike watching a flower bloom and as such it will not always be quick. But will almost always be worth it. And communicating with people from this space is so much more enjoyable.
One example
When i opened my store, there were an odd duo, know as "the Brothers", they appear as homeless..with that none to pleasant smell of being unwashed.. and they are indeed characters.. (one of them sounded like Pete Puma) as well as Masters and Earth Angels. Local merchants couldn't believe i was letting them into my store. Aside from being masters, they also became two of my best customers, spending hundreds of dollars every time they came in. They also gifted crudely wrapped riverwashed crystal necklaces on hand-knit cords to anyone they met. It was always fun to watch people shift from aversion to gratitude.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some of My Prose and Musings

All Text © Jayson Ayrn Starfeather

For I have been here from the Beginning which Never Ends and the Ending that Never Ceases
Love AM I
Such love that we embrace with arms stretched wide
I have known your form since the beginning
I remember the Dance
The Light of Laughter
The Piece that is Peace
and Its Spirit stretched to Infinity
Unfurling the gossamer radiance of it's being
Singing the gentle colors to life
Such was the birth of Joy
Which at it's inception knew not of it's inevitable tears
Tears that spilled forth tangible gifts
Such Depth
Such rapturous depth
In which moments were held
Waiting to be born
I remember the Light
Shining in those tears
I remember it's arcing into the breathless void
In which all that is
Rolled out of itself
In an Exquisite Birth
Pouring forth ever increasing shards of light
Which landed at our feet
the seeds of Moments
To be entered
To experience
To learn
to Transcend
To be entered
the Game had begun
And in it's playing we meet
And we have met again
And in our mingling
We Remember
We Are One
And I remember
That i have known your form since the beginning
Shining in the reflection of tears yet to be.

More about my life:

When i was a boy, I spent countless hours in the forests near my home. I came to know trees well and they shared their wisdom with me, reconnecting me with the history of the planet. Beautiful spirits of nature visited me often as well as the spirits of the native ancestors of this areas past. The Fae have been everpresent in my life. From Greenmen to sylphs to Devas and Angels. It's been a beautiful and blessed life and i draw upon all these experiences often as they charge my spirit and soothe my soul. There is deep, rich beauty in this world that all people should experience, if only once in their life. For it forever changes you. It has fed my passion and from that it affirms all the more a connectedness to all of creation.

HOME 8/87

Deep Rich vibrant Green
The heady aroma of fertile soil
The sweet breath of plants
The whispers of trees
Carried on Gentle winds

An Ancient Fir
Once tall and firm in its youth
Lies at rest
It's woody armour now replaced
By a velvet coat of emeral green mosses

The Forest Stands All About Me
The old
The new
The perfect family
The ideal community
In the simplicity of their being
They support one another
Both parent and offspring
Product of the same womb

The Beauty and
That is the Forest
Has Dugi tis roots
As deeply into my heart
As it has into the earth
It's Peace
And Vibrant Life Force
I share also

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Quantum Mechanics of Tarot

This is my theory, which is to say that it is a theory and it is mine...

People are frequently fascinated by the Tarot (and other oracles) and it's accuracy. I should state that this is not my theory.. i havent got there yet.

When one utilises the tarot, especially in the service of others, they begin working with an incredibly layered field of energy.

First they are attuning to energies integrated within the sphere of another person's reality. Within this sphere is found all the vibratory equivalents of archetypal imagery, numbers, elements and so on. Through the intent of the reader, these vibrations are drawn upon and synched up with language, elements and indeed, the intent of the Tarot. For the Tarot is an intentional construct.
In effect, reading a person with the Tarot is not unlike seeking out a signal from a radio station, converting that signal into sound or it's textual equivalent and then reading the info back to the broadcaster. Only, in this case the reader has attuned to the signals that make up the individual as well as the signals the individual consciously creates theirself.
All of these impulses, attuned to the vibrations of the Tarots unique program should result in an accurate translation of the energy system of the individual being read.

That is my theory, which is to say, that it is mine. Unlike the famed Brontosaurus theory of it's being thin at one end, thick in the middle and thin at the other end.
Happy thinking. :P
Oh..yes.. sort of related; i have a link to share.. actually one that i have managed to keep through years of numerous system upgrades, overhauls, replacements and the like:

Of Quasar and Quanta

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms: Elestials

photo courtesy of

I have always loved crystals and stones. Whate are stones but the fragments our most cherished and phenomenal, living, breathing, life producing Gaia; Planet Earth. Crystals tend to be the mineral equivalent of the plant kingdom, growing from unique chemical compounds as we do, yet they are frequently thought of as just planetary by-products with no consciousness.

I have seen communications between crystilines and humans. Watched the light arcing from one to the other only to have the human turn to be drawn to a particular crystal. "I love that crystal!" they'll say. I just have to chuckle and tell them that the feeling is mutual on the behalf of the crystal.

I have done my fair share of work with crystalines on various levels. My favorite crystalines are the ones manifesting as Elestial Quartz. I remember coming across a particularly gigantic Elestial; "Sit down", it invited in what to me sounded like a gravelly grandmother voice, "And i'll tell you stories from before time was time." (Which for me translated to Gaias formative years and before).

With their long memories, Elestials are one of the ideal crystalines to work with in the area of past lives. Paired with Quartz Phantoms, Elestials form a truly dynamic duo.

I will be posting more about various stones and crystals soon.

For great pictures of Elestials as well as a wonderful Channeled article on Elestials, please visit the following links.

Large Elestials

St. Germain Channeling on Elestials


Monday, August 27, 2007

Introduction & OH MY STARS! © for September

Welcome to my premier posting at blogspot.

My name is Jayson and i'll be your flight atendant. Please make sure your seatbelts are buckled low and tight across your lap and that your seats and tray tables are in their upright position until we reach cruising altitude (don't go there).

This will be a direct flight over the rainbow, with faeries, devas, angels, ascended masters, buddha's, christ's and more; serving refreshments, oracles, insights and metaphysical musings for the duration of the flight.

This is a one way flight going all ways simultaneously and we maintain a strict 'no return' policy as there is no going back, just "now".

So, to begin our maiden voyage, i would like to offer a copy of my monthly column;

OH MY STARS! © September 2007

Take some time to review recent past events. Glean what you can and the synthesize what is left into something useful, even poignant, before you take on more arduous tasks. You have it in your power now to create something meaningful and lasting. Happy Birthday!
Time to put that masterful mind of yours to the task of weeding out any doubts. Any proposals you may be considering should probably wait until things settle down enough to comfortably move forward.
Allow for some cooperation from others and you should find your worries assuaged and yourself back on top and in charge. Your experiences bring valuable information to others.
Change is afoot. Just be sure that, as you will more than likely bite off more than you can chew, you allow others to help (help make you look good). Be on your toes as one of your social avenues comes to an end.
Help is on the way! We know that you’re the perennial do-it-yourselfer, but it would behoove you to accept assistance while you attempt to think outside the box. Comfort and ease are in the cards.
When that light bulb starts blazing over your head, don’t be surprised if your struck by ideas involving short trips and fact-finding missions to help you feel assured and at ease this month. You have the reins.
This is an excellent time for you to make new friends; so go with the flow there. For many of you, An actual move could figure prominently. Although temporarily unsettling, a bold new world awaits.
The time has come for your knowledge and expertise to be put to use elsewhere so that some of your hidden talents can come out to play. Embrace the new and try not to react out of your unfounded fears.
Time for a major overhaul to assess your needs and put yourself back on top of things. Oh, it’s been ok, but now it’s time for ‘better’. Embrace the brighter long-term view and avoid tying yourself to trouble.
You think you know where you’re going when you hit a few potholes. Do not despair, simply decide how to deal with the situation and take charge. You’ll have to act fast. Don’t let fear be an obstacle.
Watch for coming on too strong and letting your passion overpower you (or anyone else). No retreating into your shell, either. You have too much to offer and expertise to share. So put aside that trepidation and grab the bull by the horns. Make your move. Now.
Your quick and practical thinking paired with amazing resources allows you to manage the essentials in the long term as though it were a cake walk. Oh, sure, you may acknowledge the struggle, but the outcome shines with all the heart you put into it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
© Jayson Ayrn Starfeather 2007
Get a Personal Reading from me @

“When old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders.” - Rabindranath Tagore

OH MY STARS! © has been in publication monthly since 1995.