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I was going to profile black Tourmaline for this Halloween weekend, but then Prehnite called out.
This opaque pale green crystal has a gentle energy that evokes the sensation of slipping into an otherworldly mist that is both beautiful and comfortable. Meditating with Prehnite, you can enter a safe space between veiled worlds to communicate with disembodied spirits, guides and even spirits of nature.
If you are not completely comfortable with spirit communication, but want to explore, i do recommend hold ing or wearing a piece of Black Tourmaline while you use this crystal. also, Clear Quartz Point will help in calling in specific spirits or guides while working with Prehnite. Think of Prehnite as you doorway into the waiting room/waypoint between worlds.
Prehnite tends to enhance clairaudience and telepathy within the spirit realm.
Make the most of you All Hallows experience and try Prehnite today.
Semi-Facetious/Humorous disclaimer:
Prehnite is not recommended for people with multiple personality disorders, bi polar disorder or people suffering from accute megalomania. In some cases, people abusing Prehnite can experience karmic scarring, hauntings and other spiritual mischief.
Ask your metaphysician if Prehnite is right for you.