Sunday, December 30, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms VI: Brazilianite

The Deva's of Brazilianite communicate through meridians and minor chakras along the spine and help to open you up to a greater flow of energy through your systems. They are very helpful in any re-wiring of your energetic systems whether it be through Reiki or any other energy healing or tune-up process. Accupuncture also benefits from the energies of Brazilianite.

If anything, the Deva's of Brazilianite encourage you to surrender to ever increasing levels of light transmission in, through, around and from your body. Invite Brazilianite to hold open the pathways as you utilise other crystals in deepening the effect of your healing work.

Brazilianite invites you to explore and communicate with systems within your body that are rarely acknowledged consciously. In meditation, allow the Deva's to guide you in a safe journey of blessing and or releasing sytems sequestered away within you. Past life and current life past issues can be blessed and swept out to aid in creating greater presence of self. Whether done in colaboration with other stones or simply your own pure intent; working with Brazilianites Devas can help you in creating a more open and clear flowing state of being the moment (not just in the moment).

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