Sunday, September 2, 2007

Non-Judgement & Acceptance

A powerful lesson i have learned in this life comes from simply stepping past judgement and into allowing. When YOU give the so called wierdo's an open space, free of judgement, you can witness an unfolding.. a lifting of veils.. that allows you to see the truth of a persons being. It's not unlike watching a flower bloom and as such it will not always be quick. But will almost always be worth it. And communicating with people from this space is so much more enjoyable.
One example
When i opened my store, there were an odd duo, know as "the Brothers", they appear as homeless..with that none to pleasant smell of being unwashed.. and they are indeed characters.. (one of them sounded like Pete Puma) as well as Masters and Earth Angels. Local merchants couldn't believe i was letting them into my store. Aside from being masters, they also became two of my best customers, spending hundreds of dollars every time they came in. They also gifted crudely wrapped riverwashed crystal necklaces on hand-knit cords to anyone they met. It was always fun to watch people shift from aversion to gratitude.

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