Friday, November 2, 2007

Crystalline Life Forms IV: Danburite

Photo Courtesy of

Danburite is a Love Light Crystal.
Its long, striated, pink hued shape is typically capped by a spatulate head.
The Deva's of Danburite enfold you in an exquisite soft pink light that takes on an effervescent quality as it permeates your being where it reaches that divine inner child and tickles you until you release an even purer joyous pink white light that blazes throughout your being. Danburite holds and evokes that pure joyous lovelight that is at the center of all things. The Divine MotherFather Heart, the overflowing cup, are the gifts of Danburite as it invites you to aknowledge that ever present beautiful aspect of your own self.
Use Danburite when you have need to forgive yourself, when you feel distanced from the Source or when you just need that gentle reminder that you carry a powerful lovelight within you always.
If you are ever in a space where you are holding on to sorrow or self pity and blocking yourself from recieving the energies of Danburite or Joy, simply visualise a light growing from within and listen for that angelic harplike music as it crescendoes and the light rises to sweep through you. Know the Deva's of Danburite are there to help you live from the brightes part of your being.

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