Thursday, November 20, 2008

Surrendering to the Golden Nurturance of Spirit

A gentle yet full bodied divine feminine golden presence precipitates her blessings upon you in this moment. Breathe in the a warmth that embraces you from the inside out; that encourages you to be your creative best. Allow yourself to feel supported, unconditionally, as gateways to abundance open before you.
Allow this healing energy to sink deep into your DNA and spread throughout your entire lineage back across the long ages, flooding the mothers and grandmothers with light and carrying the hopes and dreams for their childrens' childrens' children forward to be manifest by you and through you.
With these Golden Energies come waves and particles of Wisdom covering you like a Royal Mantle which imbues you with a Sweet Humility.
A Golden Yellow Light flowers in your Heart Center and spreads wide and wider, shedding ever brighter Light before you in weaves and spirals and it is in this Light that Courts of Faerie Queens, Devas and Solar Angels from many dimensions appear to celebrate ALL that you are with serenely blissful smiles that break into ecstatic laughter.
You are a being of Starlight and Limitless Golden Possibilities Making Miracles Manifest NOW.
Happy Birthday Again and Again and Again!

Artemis of Ephesus
Jayson Ayrn Starfeather

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